Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Cinnamon Buns

I wasn't kidding when I said I was a carb whore. Or maybe just a sweet bread whore.

Cinnamon buns; my kryptonite. I just love a warm, gooey, cinnamon-y, soft and hint of buttery cinnamon bun. When I was a kid there was a single cinnamon bun franchise in my home town; I keep thinking it was Cinnabon, but I really don't remember the name. Then they started closing down and all that was left were the grocery store buns. Some were okay, others meh and others had raisins (I'm sorry, but I don't see how raisins have a place in cinnamon buns!). Then one day, a new place opened in town...CinnZeo (I'm sure most Canadians will be familiar with the name). And I've had Cinnabon in the States, but (I'm sorry), Cinnabon does not trump CinnZeo. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately, especially for my waistline) there are only 2 locations in my city, and they're nowhere close to my sometimes I make my own (and I'm sorry, again, but these kind of trump CinnZeo).

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